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NeurIPS 2021 || DropGNN: Random Dropouts Increase the Expressiveness of Graph Neural Networks Paper
Graph Neural Networks
[Deep Graph Learning] 4.5 Generalized GNN layer and Dropout
[Deep Graph Learning] 4.4 GNN batch normalization layer
ICPRS2021 Paper 31
Robustness of Graph Neural Networks
[Deep Graph Learning] 4.1 Point, batch and mini-batch gradient descent
Martin Grohe: The Descriptive Complexity of Graph Neural Networks
Improving Graph Neural Networks with Structural Adaptive Receptive Fields
Employing knowledge graphs and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for patent research (AI & Patents 2021)
GNN-Surrogate: PacificVis2022 presentation
[Deep Graph Learning] 4.6 GNN inductive vs transductive learning